Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dave Cooper: Danko Jones video

Speaking of Dave Cooper, here's the Danko Jones video he designed. It's got all the touches of Cooper, voluptuous girls, latex, big butts, and girl on girl wrestling.

Accidental Score

Justin DeGarmo has a soft, chalk-like style with his acrylic paintings. His work is very reminiscent of Dave Cooper thrown in with a bit of Steve Weissman, which makes for a great mash-up. Like Cooper, DaGarmo's graphite work is nothing short of amazing.


RADICAL! BPN has this great goopy style that cries out for attention. His plushy figures interact with more liquid based, drippy entities forming a mushy juxtaposition of boldness.

Plastique Monkey

Yuka Yamaguchi creates delightfully disturbing images of young children and animals being beautifully mutilated. Not many can pull of a smooth color pencil style, but the self taught Yamaguchi pulls it off splendely.